Common Barrels Mistakes: How to Avoid Them to Improve Your Technique

Discover the most common mistakes when tubing and learn how to correct them. Improve your technique with the advice of Peña Txuri Surf Eskola.
Common Barrels Mistakes: How to Avoid Them to Improve Your Technique
Discover the most common mistakes when tubing and learn how to correct them. Improve your technique with the advice of Peña Txuri Surf Eskola.

Doing a tube is one of the most exciting and challenging moments in surfing. Successfully achieving it requires great precision and technique. At Peña Txuri Surf Eskola, we know how difficult it can be to master this maneuver, which is why, in this article, we’re going to talk about the most common mistakes you should avoid when trying to do a tube, and how to correct them to progress faster and enjoy this unique surfing experience.

What Are the Common Mistakes When Attempting Barrels?

Incorrect Positioning on the Peak

One of the most common mistakes when trying to do a tube is positioning yourself at the peak of the wave when it has a marked A-frame. Although it may seem like the best option to gain speed, in vertical and hollow waves, being on the peak makes it harder to connect with the wave’s wall. This can cause your board to disconnect from the wave, leading to a fall or missing the tube.

How to Correct this Mistake?

  • Position Yourself Slightly Off the Peak: Try positioning yourself slightly off the peak to get a better entry into the wave.
  • Connect with the Wall: Paddling from this position allows you to connect better with the wave’s wall and maintain the line needed for the tube.

Not Judging the Wave’s Verticality

Another common mistake is failing to judge the wave’s verticality when trying to do a tube. Entering too late, when the wave is already very vertical, reduces your chances of success because the wave’s base becomes more critical and harder to handle.

How to Correct this Mistake?

  • Anticipate the Wave: Paddling from farther back with strength will allow you to enter the wave earlier, preventing it from becoming too vertical.
  • Use a Board with More Volume: If you’re just starting to catch barrels, a board with more volume will help you transition from the back of the wave to the wall more easily.

Lack of Commitment in the Paddle

Commitment in paddling is essential when trying to catch a tube. Hesitating or not paddling with enough strength can lead to missing the wave or getting caught in the lip section.

How to Improve Your Paddling Commitment?

  • Total Confidence: Before paddling, make sure you are fully committed to catching the wave. In tube waves, commitment is everything.
  • Connect with the Wall: Paddling with strength and confidence will help you connect with the wall before the lip falls. Don’t hesitate—go all in from the start.

Common Mistakes in Frontside Barrels

Frontside refers to the position where surfers with their left foot forward (regular) do barrels to the right, and surfers with their right foot forward (goofy) do barrels to the left. Here are the most common mistakes:

Poor Weight Distribution

One of the most common frontside mistakes is not putting enough weight forward, which causes you to fall behind the wave and lose connection with the base.

How to Correct this Mistake?

  • Weight Forward: Keep your weight slightly forward so the board stays on the wave’s base, allowing you to control the line better.
  • Centered Stance: Avoid leaning too far forward. Aim for a centered stance on the board to maintain balance and stability.

Dropping the Line Too Low

When attempting a frontside tube, dropping the line too low causes you to lose contact with the wave wall and get stuck in the foam or out of the critical wave section.

How to Correct this Mistake?

  • Stay Close to the Wall: Maintain a higher line, close to the wave wall, using one or both hands for stabilization and to measure the distance.
  • Control Your Speed: Adjust your speed so you don’t drop too low, keeping yourself in the right section for the tube.

Common Mistakes in Backside barrels

In backside barrels, surfers with their left foot forward (regular) do barrels to the left, and those with their right foot forward (goofy) do barrels to the right. Here are the most common mistakes:

Closed Torso

A frequent backside mistake is keeping your torso closed towards the back of the wave, making it harder to maintain a good line and read the tube section.

How to Correct this Mistake?

  • Open Your Shoulders Towards the Wall: Keep your shoulders open towards the wave wall and use your front hand to touch the wall. This will help you measure the distance and maintain control.
  • Keep Your Eyes Forward: Look towards the wave section where you want to go, not backward, so you can anticipate what’s coming and adjust your posture.

Not Adjusting the Line

In backside barrels, it’s common to make the mistake of not adjusting your line during the tube. This happens when you don’t make small pumps or adjustments to stay in the critical section.

How to Correct this Mistake?

  • Make Small Adjustments: Make small movements with your back foot to adjust your trajectory and avoid falling into the foam.
  • Control the Pace: Maintain a steady pace and adjust your speed to follow the wave’s shape and stay in the critical section.

Final Tips to Improve Your Tube Technique

Doing barrels requires practice and dedication. Here are some additional tips to improve your technique:

  • Practice on Suitable Waves: Look for waves with a sandy bottom and soft barrels to start. As you progress, you can attempt barrels on hollower, more powerful waves.
  • Dryland Simulations: Practicing take-offs and stance on dryland will help you build muscle memory and improve your technique.
  • Stay Calm: Don’t get frustrated if you don’t nail the perfect tube. Every attempt is a learning opportunity.

At Peña Txuri Surf Eskola, we teach you how to do barrels progressively and safely, adapting to your level and needs. If you want to learn how to master this technique and enjoy the thrill of surfing inside the wave, book your surf lesson with us. We’ll help you correct these mistakes and improve your technique so you can do barrels with confidence and safety. We’re waiting for you in Sopelana to surf together!

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