Out-of-Water Training: Exercises to Improve Your Surfing

Improve your surfing with out-of-water training. Discover workouts that strengthen your body and increase your performance.
Out-of-Water Training: Exercises to Improve Your Surfing
Improve your surfing with out-of-water training. Discover workouts that strengthen your body and increase your performance.

Surfing is not just about riding waves, but also about preparing your body to perform at its best in the water. At Peña Txuri Surf Eskola, we know that good training out of the water is essential to improve your performance and avoid injuries. In this article, we show you specific exercises you can do at home or in the gym to strengthen the muscles you use most while surfing and develop the skills you need in the water.

Why is it important to train out of the water?

Although surfing is an excellent exercise on its own, complementing it with land-based training has multiple benefits:

Strengthen Key Muscles

Working the muscles most used in surfing, such as arms, core, and legs, will help you paddle stronger, maintain balance on the board, and perform maneuvers with greater precision.

Improve Stamina

Surfing can be an exhausting sport, especially if the waves are big or the sea conditions are demanding. Training your cardiovascular and muscular endurance will allow you to surf longer without getting tired.

Increase Flexibility

Flexibility is crucial for fluid movements and injury prevention. With proper training, you will improve your ability to perform maneuvers like take-offs or bottom turns with greater ease.

Prevent Injuries

A strong and flexible body is less prone to injury. Land-based training strengthens muscles and joints, reducing the risk of damage during your surf sessions.

What Exercises Are Ideal to Improve Surfing?

Here are some key exercises to prepare your body before hitting the water:

Strength Exercises for Surfers

  1. Paddle with Resistance Bands
    • Simulate the paddling motion using resistance bands, anchoring them to a fixed point and pulling back with your arms. This exercise strengthens your back and shoulder muscles.
  2. Push-Ups
    • Do push-ups to work on chest, shoulder, and arm strength. You can vary the type of push-up to focus on different muscle groups, such as diamond push-ups for triceps or wide push-ups for the chest.
  3. Squats and Jump Squats
    • Strengthen your legs and improve your ability to generate power when performing maneuvers on the board. Jump squats also help to enhance explosiveness and control.
  4. Planks and Side Planks
    • Strengthen the core, improving balance and stability. Side planks also work the obliques, which are essential for turns and movements in surfing.

Cardio and Endurance Exercises

  1. Burpees
    • A complete exercise that combines strength and cardiovascular endurance. It helps you develop the explosiveness needed to perform the take-off quickly.
  2. Mountain Climbers
    • This cardio exercise works the core and increases endurance. It simulates the movement of running on the ground, ideal for improving agility and coordination.
  3. Box Jumps
    • Improve leg power and coordination, essential for performing aerial maneuvers in surfing. Remember to perform this exercise with proper technique to avoid injuries.

Flexibility and Mobility Exercises

  1. Cat-Cow Stretch
    • Ideal for improving spinal mobility and relieving back tension. Perform this stretch with smooth and controlled movements.
  2. Hip Opener Stretch
    • Opens the hips and improves lower body flexibility. It’s essential for movements like take-offs and turns on the board.
  3. Warrior Pose (Yoga)
    • Improves leg stability and strength while working on concentration and balance. It is an all-encompassing stretch for surfers.

How to Create a Land-Based Training Plan?

The key to improving in surfing is consistency. Here are some tips for organizing your land-based training plan:

  • Combine Strength and Cardio: Dedicate at least two days a week to strength exercises and one to cardio activities, such as running, swimming, or jump rope.
  • Include Stretching: Add stretching and yoga sessions to maintain flexibility and prevent injuries.
  • Functional Training: Focus on exercises that mimic surfing movements, such as burpees or planks, to improve your technique and performance in the water.

Personalized Training at Peña Txuri Surf Eskola

At Peña Txuri Surf Eskola, we not only teach you how to surf but also help you prepare physically and mentally so you can perform at your best on every wave. Our instructors will advise you on specific exercises and recommend routines tailored to your level and needs.

If you want to take your surfing to the next level, complement your water sessions with good training out of the water. Book your surf lesson with us and find out how to improve your technique and performance to enjoy each wave even more. See you at the beach!

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